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The Project



Expressing Sustainability is a project that communicates pressing matters of environmental – and climate related issues to people through art. 


Expressing Sustainability is sponsored by CISU and made in a collaboration between Ghana Venskab, Braa Publishing, and YEFL Ghana. The project brings together artist from Ghana and Denmark in order interpret how humans and the nature can coexist and encourage us to preserve or develop our way into a better future, in adressing the problems we are facing today.


The artist who participated in the project try to move hearts and minds with words, sound, touch, and vision. As artist they can create focus and awareness, to reveal the wonders and horrors that many might experience in the world and manifest it in front of others.


Sandro Masai is an afro-brazilian multimedia and performance artist. With a bachelor degree of Art and Technology from Aalborg University and a master degree of Interaction Design from Design School Kolding, Sandro has a background in theater, modern dance and Japanese butoh dance. Being an Afro-Brazilian plays a strong role in his artistic practice, as he often works within the themes of decolonisation, afro-futurism, ancestry, collective trauma, spirituality and empathy. His artworks take shape as performances, interactive art installations and action paintings
Instagram: @sandromasai

Marie Hjørnet Nielsen is a Danish writer. She has a broad portfolio of fiction stories and collages. Her latest work was published at the Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology. The main reason for her to join the project with Ghana Venskab was attraction to the idea of seeing what will happen when bringing together artists from different disciplines and countries in the framework of environmental issues.

Instagram: @marie_hjoernet

She is a young enterprising youth and spoken word artist who has always dreamt of being a change maker in her community as her career and personal goals over the years have geared towards making efforts to place her in a better-informed position to create the change she wants to see. Her keen interest in artistic activism has inspired her form of art as a spoken word artist and a creative writer to explore and to leverage on development communication approaches and tools such as arts, as a medium to change narratives and propagate social change on topical issues that affect her society.


Instagram: @awentemiaudrey

Fondly called Abdul Hakim Genius, his art form is inspired by the sages of the village, through whose whispers, he draws inspiration. His literary life-journey is to serve the village hut, while draining their juicy cranium-filled wisdom.


His words of poetry are out of inspiration from the African hut, nature and society. His works span across genres and loves to write about nature, love, life and spirituality. He has also mastered the 'Carpe diem' poetry which he uses as a tool to better the quality of lives.

Genius' poems float freely in air, touching every heart and causing every pore on the skin to erect.

Instagram: @genius_hakim

Jens Bugay-Hougaard is an experience designer, sound designer, and concept artist who works with aesthetic experiences in the intersection between technology, art, and performativity. In his artistic practises he combines different elements to create new and unexpected means of expressions, and he designs situations that transform complexities into meaning. He achieves this through co-creative music experiences, sound design, interactive art, and ritually based performances.

Instagram: @iamyenz

Lasse Fischer is a crossbreed between a writer, photographer, and an academic.

He views the world through the many lenses that are available in the academic toolbox, and when they do not suffice to create a place of understanding or empathy then he becomes a writer and storyteller. He likes to play around with the normal appearance of things and of concepts and that is when he picks up his camera or starts writing.

Instagram: @lasse.fischer

Nils Bourdon is from Grenoble, France. He is studying a master in Music Performance and teaches at the Royal Academy of Music, Aalborg. Nils is a singer-songwriter, who enjoys writing and music and experimenting with sound. He plays the guitar – electric and acoustic – and likes to play with tensions and soundscapes. He sees the guitar as a very precious object that supports his voice and music all the time.

Instagram: @nils_bourdon

Phuc Van Dang was born in Vietnam and came to Denmark in 1981. He studied graphic design and has worked with design, concept- and product development. Today, he utilizes this background in his diverse work as an artist, where he explores themes such as identity, belonging, human nature and community engagement. As a cultural facilitator he creates new connections between art, design and culture. He has exhibited both in Denmark and abroad: Norway, Japan, Spain, USA, Vietnam, Cambodia.

Instagram: @phucisme

I am a Painter, illustrator and streetartist from Aalborg.

My work is as abstract as I can get away with. I try to balance my work between humor and melancholy.

The challenge of sustainability is real and I am excited to try to depict this complex, behemoth of a topic as best I can. @anders.frantsen

Instagram: @andersfrantsen

Stefan Braarup Hansen

I am a writer and a poet that thrives on experiences from my real life - often in a fictional/autobiographical style. I tend to mix both epic scenery, detailed descriptions and street-wise language. The only stories that have value, in regards to the ones I create, are born from existential experiences and nurtured through humor. My stories and poetry are meant for warming hearts and kicking ass.

Instagram: @stefanbraarup

Abass Safian is my name 32 years and also go by the name Aliscopa. Videographer and artist. A graduate from National Film and Television institute (NAFTI), Certificate in Filmmaking and Specialize in Video Editing. Also do bit of Graphic design and, sketching, painting and craft making. I do lot of pen art in landscape drawing and life style art. Sometimes blend photography with art. @abass.safian

Instagram: @abasssafian

My name is Mavis Tumawoo Etornam. My stage name is Etornam and I am a musician.
I am also a music video director, a songwriter and a student at the University for Development Studies in Ghana.


Instagram: @etornamgh





Expressing Sustainability Ghana venskab


GV er en udviklingsforening, der arbejder for ligestilling og udvikling i den sårbare nordlige region i Ghana siden 1979. Vi støtter lokalsamfund, kvinder og unge til at organisere sig og kæmpe for deres demokratiske og sociale rettigheder. Vores vigtigste prioriteter er at styrke fødevaresikkerheden, forbedre levebrød, retten til kvalitetsuddannelse og selvstændiggørelse af unge, da disse områder er grundlaget for at opbygge et stærkt og retfærdigt samfund. GV drives af et mindre sekretariat og GV har et stort netværk af medlemmer og frivillige, der spænder fra journalister til akademikere og kunstnere, som har et væld af erfaring med at engagere sig i projektudvikling og -implementering i både Ghana og Danmark.


Braa Publishing (BP) er et mikroforlag, men også en organisation med fokus på arrangementer, der bringer kunst på gaden. Organisationen har eksisteret siden begyndelsen af ​​2021 og har siden sin start afholdt adskillige vellykkede arrangementer under navnet Projekt Painting Party samt udgivet bogen To tragedier og en komedie. Arrangementerne demonstrerede organisationens evne til at identificere og platforme unge up and coming kunstnere fra Aalborgs undergrundsmiljø samt deres evne til at mobilisere frivillige og engagere nye mennesker i deres projekter. I Expressing Sustainability har Braa Publishing rekrutteret kunstnere, undervist i bæredygtighed kombineret med facilitering af kunstneriske workshops, organiseret samarbejde på tværs af Ghana og DK og koordineret events(WoS og Kulturmødet) med Ghana Venskab.

Ghana Venskab


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