Performance by Anders Frantsen and Stefan Braarup Hansen
Four seaons of a plastic lover is a quadro performance piece designed by Anders and Stefan to focus on social sustainability. The language is centered around using interesting metaphors relating to sustainability. We've made and molded inticing melodies to create unique sound experiences. We are inspired by Vivaldis four seasons, and every performance piece is depicted as an 'emotional seasons' every person can go through. The performance piece holds a certain complexity that is not meant to be understood but instead experienced. Throughout the performance piece we will use different musical instrument ranging from oil barrels to banjos and electrical guitars. Everything, except for the Feel good inc. melody from Gorillaz in the Autumn piece, is made 100% from scratch. We also got outside help in regards to the making of 'Plastic Life' used in 'Forårsfrelse – Plastic Party anno 2100 feat Jesus', which is an uplifting trance melody by Mark Gørtz Thornson but in sparring with Anders and Stefan.
Here is links to Marks musical platforms: